Progetti in Sierra Leone

Progetto di fattibilità per impianto di elettro-clorazione dell’acquedotto della città di Freetown (2016)
The general purpose of this consultancy is to offer a competitive and effective feasibility study for a sustainable technical solution for an Electro chlorination System at Spur Reservoir Site in Freetown, which will feed the International Tender planned by the NGO ACF.
For this consultancy, two organizations joined their wide expertise in order to strengthen the efficiency, also considering the amount of deliverable requested in the short time schedule assigned for the work.
The two organizations are:
CIRPS (Inter-university Research Center for Sustainable Development) that is Research Center based in Rome, Italy, with pluridecennial expertise in Sustainable Developing Technologies in several countries.
GSF-Onlus (Geology Without Borders, Italy) that is a Geologists No-Profit Association
with decennial expertise worldwide in environmental and natural resources management concerned to local communities and ecosystem needs.
This work intends to be the main guide for the next phases for the realization of an electro chlorination plant at Spur Road.