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Geology Without Borders association operates in Italy and around the world with projects aimed at protecting ecosystems, the rational use of resources and the self-determination of peoples

GSF Member's

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own."
Andy Warhol

The association Geologia Senza Frontiere ONLUS was founded in October 2003 by a group of graduates in geological science to give a common perspective to the skills acquired in the field of professional activity, research and international cooperation.

The Start to undertake the association way derived from the need to set up a structure that addressed the problems of the geology sector with a methodological approach based more on ethical principles than on profit strategies, a common basis shared and summarized in the statute and the charter of principles. statuto e nella carta dei principi.

The member's experiences have allowed GSF to conduct a wide range of projects and activities, collaborating profitably also with companies that work in different sectors of geology (CV association). Since 2007 GSF has been registered as non-profit organisations.

Land and Natural Resources management must not be based on choices conditioned mainly by economic interests, distant from those of the ecosystem and local community.

GSF strives to contribute in development of a different environmental awareness, providing the means to understand the Earth System and its complex evolutionary mechanisms. Promoting also the diffusion in the community of a more sustainable way of relating to the environment in which we live.

GSFworks in Italy and abroad to support local communities in accessing safe drinking water, protecting water resources and the territory.

3 GSF Pillars are: 1. environmental, social and economic sustainability of the promoted activities, 2. the participation of local communities in the development and management of projects, 3. the technical and professional training of local operators and trainers.

GSF promotes collaboration between grassroots associations, local communities and local institutions. Highly interested in scientific exchange, promotion and collaboration between Italian and foreign associations, communities and institutions.

administration team

Martino Terrone Chairman
Daniel Buggiani Vice-Chairman
Daria Dell’Acqua Finance
Chiara Lesti Advisor
Gian Mario Coscione Advisor

Take a look at the GSF Member List, our CVs and the general organizational chart of the Association